Server Rules
Please note that server rules may evolve to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members. Any updates will be clearly communicated to the community in a timely manner through the 📣∙major-updates
channel of our Discord. In addition, we encourage members to provide suggestions and feedback to rules and changes to ensure transparency and inclusivity.
Server rules will be consistently reviewed by the Admin team to measure relevancy and address potential issues or concerns.
Server Expectations
While these aren't rules, we do have expectations of our community.
We are shifting the narrative of a safe space to that of a brave space to encourage individuals to move beyond their comfort zones by taking risks in expressing diverse perspectives which can sometimes mean being confronted by difficult issues. This shift focuses on giving individuals the ability to create their stories in a way that fosters growth, learning, and authenticity while also understanding that individuals in this shared space have a personal responsibility to take care of themselves. Brave Space is an important exercise in challenging one's perspective and empowering one to undertake self-care practices and well-being into their own hands.
Our roleplay philosophy centers around organic narrative-driven performance, fostering an environment that encourages improvisation. What does this mean? We value and act on storylines that aren't preplanned. Character choices are yours alone, and there are no strings being pulled behind the scenes! We believe that this creates a more freeing and less structured roleplay experience.
Roleplay provides a unique opportunity to create and explore different character experiences. However, it is important that Rainbow Railroad RP emphasizes the importance of respectful and accurate portrayals of characters from different racial and/or ethnic backgrounds. Rainbow Railroad RP's mission, vision, and guiding principles align with that of an anti-racism intersectional model. In understanding this, character portrayals of BIPOC by white identifying individuals will not be tolerated on this server.
Server Rules
Please read ALL rules prior to roleplay. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in the Rainbow Railroad RP Discord server.
Rule breaks can be categorized as follows:
Major strikes
Minor strikes
You can find out more about strikes on our Strikes & Bans page.
Failure to read the rules does not exempt you from rule breaks. By choosing to connect to our server, you confirm that you have read and understood the rules.
Major strike
Rainbow Railroad RP is an 18+ server, and access is strictly prohibited to anyone under 18.
All characters must also be 18 or older.
While the server may feature depictions of drug use, violence, gore, sexual themes, and other sensitive content from the RDR2 base game, explicit pornography and extreme violence, such as torture, suicide, or sexual violence, are not allowed.
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, sexism, or any other form of prejudice or hate speech (slurs, derogatory language) will not be tolerated.
These actions will result in a ban from the server.
Character names must not replicate the exact letter-for-letter names of actual or fictional people from history, movies, books, etc.
No self-promotion will be allowed. This includes sharing of Steam account information, server invites, advertisements, etc.
If you need to step away from the game out of character, please keep in mind that being AFK (Away from keyboard) does not make you immune to in-game interactions. If you need a break, make sure to log out.
While we strongly encourage communication between players and Admins, we ask that you do not DM (direct message) Admins, and instead utilize the Ticketing System for any issues or inquiries that occur in or out of character.
A working microphone is required for roleplay at all times. Rainbow Railroad RP is an English-speaking server only.
Use of /me should not be utilized as a means to communicate dialogue unless granted special approval by the Admin team via an In-Character Documentation ticket.
/me should only be used for small actions, such as /me waves nervously or /me sneaks a sip of the community bath water.
Returning Players: Those who leave and later return must submit a new character application as part of the rejoining process.
The Admin team reserves the right to review character portrayals before and during the roleplaying process.
Harassment, bullying, or any behavior seen as harmful or retaliatory against another individual, either out-of-character or done in-character for out-of-character reasons, will not be tolerated.
Sexual harassment or any unwanted sexual advances will not be condoned. This includes both IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character) interactions and/or behaviors.
Politically charged or inflammatory discussions will not be permitted.
If an Admin has offered a response to a rule break ticket, the expectation will be that the individual will need to acknowledge receipt of this response within 48 hours.
If the individual chooses to not acknowledge this response, they choose to be banned.
Communicating with the Admin and Mod team in a respectful tone and manner is expected at all times. Just as they will treat community members with respect, the same is to be true in return.
Minor strike
We expect players to be able to separate and maintain a distinction between In-Character and Out-Of-Character. It's important to remember that roleplay is roleplay, and that characters should make choices in line with their personalities - not what you the player feel.
Staying in-character creates an authentic and unique experience for everyone involved in bringing the Homelands to life. While we do not expect perfection, we do encourage everyone to try their best to stay in-character and maintain realism while role-playing.
Use of OOC language is not allowed.
While accidents do happen, continuous use of OOC language or "spiritual" speech will not be tolerated.
Character choices and actions influenced by a player's personal feelings or experiences may result in bleed.
This may be shown by characters making choices not typical of the character or showing negative emotions or feelings towards other characters as a result of OOC personal feelings.
This may be mitigated by utilizing our Temperature Check channel or taking a break from the character experiencing bleed.
Different characters played by the same player are still separate individuals and should be treated as such.
If Dr. Jo (played by Jess) and Goldie (played by Kels) are fighting in the church, it would not make sense for Dr. Jo (played by Jess) and Ivy (played by Kels) to suddenly not get along.
Characters played by Admins and Mods must be treated like any other character, with no special treatment or privileges.
In-game references to "the Government" (when meaning the Admin team) should only be used when absolutely necessary.
Major strike
Before playing as a bounty hunter, you will be required to fill out a bounty hunter application for Admin approval.
Your character must be in good standing with the LEO department to become a bounty hunter. Additionally, your character must meet at least one of the following conditions:
The character must have prior experience being a lawperson or an outlaw (reformed and moved through the legal system but unable to become a LEO because of their outlaw history) before taking up bounty hunting.
The character must have relevant in-county character development and/or storylines that would reasonably lead them to seek work as a bounty hunter.
Bounty hunters will need to be offered a license by the Sheriff's department and be approved by LEO staffing before being able to take bounties.
Licenses must be obtained by the Sheriff's department through the DOJ.
Licenses will expire and need to be renewed.
Bounty hunters should expect that they may be targeted by criminals for revenge.
Bounty hunters should still value their lives appropriately, and not pursue criminals beyond those that they have been issued bounties for.
Major strike
Hogties: Once hogtied, you are not allowed to break out. A 5-minute timer will begin once you are hogtied. After this timer expires, the "E" command will be present, noting the ability to break free from the ropes. However, you must not release yourself unless the person who has hogtied you roleplays this, either by using the /me command (which could look like loosening the ropes) or cutting the ropes.
If the person who has hogtied you leaves and you are left alone for an extended period of time, you may break free on your own.
Handcuffs: Once handcuffed, you must avoid evading the individual that has handcuffed you, as mobility is limited. When an individual roleplays or displays that they have removed the handcuffs, freedom of mobility is acceptable.
A hogtied/handcuffed player must be freed before the perpetrators leave the scene.
Perpetrators are allowed to make an agreement with other present (free) players to untie hogtied players.
Released players are not allowed to attack or otherwise retaliate for 5 seconds after their release.
Minor strike
If your horse is stolen, you are not allowed to summon your horse back to you via the horse whistle function. This is considered an exploit and will not be allowed.
Major strike
We CAN identify criminals by the following:
Hair & facial hair
Physical description (e.g., height, posture, walk style)
We CAN NOT identify criminals by the following:
Bill/fine feature, used by LEOs
Horse transfer feature
Minor strike
When holding a leadership position such as Mayor, Judge, Sheriff, gang leader, business owner, etc., it is expected that you know and adhere to all server rules.
A character may have their in-character leadership position removed if the player receives one of the following:
1 major strike
2 minor strikes
Minor strike
In circumstances where your character is knocked out or experiences a near death experience, you may face a period of being "knocked out" (a.k.a. "downed"). During this time, you can either wait for a medical worker to come find you (if available), wait for someone else to bring you to "AJ" (NPC doctor) to self-revive, or elect to wait and "see the light" (respawn).
When revived by a player who is a medical worker (e.g. Doctor, Medical Associate), your memory leading up to the event will remain intact.
Roleplaying with a Medical Associate who brings you to AJ counts as being "revived by a medical worker", and you can remember the last 30 minutes.
When electing to self-revive without the assistance of a player who is a medical worker, your character will LOSE all memories from the past 30 real-life minutes.
You may piece together these memories through the help of others, but they will not come to you on your own.
When downed, it is expected that your character is fully unconscious. Your character should not speak or move, outside of small instances where it is necessary (i.e., wiggling for consent, groaning to alert others).
Minor strike
Using out of character information as a means to benefit in character roleplay is strictly prohibited and will not be allowed.
This includes gathering information from discord servers, player streams, or out of character messaging.
An example of this would be speaking with other players while playing on the server to gain knowledge or other information that would not be obtained organically through gameplay.
No third party calls are allowed. While in county we ask that you not be in ANY voice chat (including the Discord server's voice channels).
Supporting streamers in our community is highly encouraged, however, it is prohibited to be playing while actively watching another player's live stream with the volume up and/or participating in chat. This is to avoid meta-gaming, stream sniping, or any other way that out-of-character information would affect your player's decisions or actions in-game. Doing so will result in a warning from the Admins.
It is admissible to leave a tab open on a separate device and have it muted.
Major strike
When creating new characters, it is required that the player submit an application for every character.
The maximum number of characters that may be approved per player is limited to 3.
Creating multiple characters on the server is encouraged, however it is prohibited to share resources (money, supplies, weaponry) between characters that belong to you. This is seen as power-gaming and is prohibited.
Your characters cannot use information or in-game knowledge between their professions. However, your other characters can still participate in different lines of work.
Individuals who have multiple characters who choose to communicate with each must wait between storms, send a telegram, and be prepared to provide evidence regarding a META rule break (e.g. in game telegram documentation).
If you have reached the maximum of three characters, you may delete one to submit a new character and bring the deleted character back at a later date. Please submit this request to the Admins via ticket for approval.
When you are ready to bring the character back, please submit a character application.
The returning character must be recreated as accurately as possible.
A minimum of 3 months must have passed before a deleted character may return.
Major strike
Permanent (Perma) death is solely under your control and cannot be imposed by others. Once you choose Perma, it’s irreversible. Thus, weigh the consequences of character death carefully before proceeding.
With perma-death, if the character has been active in-county, to try and role-play out the death.
To confirm Perma, type "/tag dead", "bled out", "lifeless", "no vital signs", etc.
Repeat offenders of severe crimes (e.g., serial killers) may face the death penalty (hanging, firing squad, electric chair, etc.) but only after a trial.
If you haven't prepared a will with a lawyer at least two weeks prior to Perma, your belongings will be destroyed. There will be no post-death items handled out of character.
In the event of Perma, up to $2500 can be transferred to one identified individual, as specified in the will.
For players who portray multiple characters, transferring items from a deceased character to another character, as specified in a will, remains prohibited.
Once you have chosen Perma, you must delete the character within 24 IRL hours.
Major strike
There will be no tolerance for exploiting and/or abuse of in game mechanics, or forcing roleplay.
Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
Refusing to and/or never losing a fight
Unnecessarily escalating to PvP in order to avoid being caught
Utilizing gameplay mechanics over roleplay in order to win a fight or escape
Utilizing meta information in any form to benefit your character
Using hogties and lassos in excessive amounts for personal gains
Not allowing opponents the chance to roleplay during a situation verbally
Supernatural roleplay is allowed. However, if you are using supernatural influences, please open a ticket to inform us and specify a flaw or limitation to your abilities. For example, a vampire might be unable to be exposed to sunlight.
Major strike
Please open a ticket if you are planning to choose to roleplay a scenario in which your character is pregnant as this will require approval.
Due to speed up of time in the Homelands, a pregnancy is not expected to last the typical period of 9 months. The minimum length of time of pregnancy should be 30 days.
The role-play of child loss will not be allowed. This also includes torture and/or violence with the intent of harming a character experiencing pregnancy.
Players who want to portray their character’s child must wait for three real-life months after the birth in the game before the character becomes playable.
Minor strike
Violence without interaction or roleplay will not be allowed. Killing someone without interaction takes away from the creativity and organic storylines for all parties involved.
This includes:
Gunning down a character or any form of attack without interaction and motive
Horseplay that results in murder without prior interaction and motive
Running over individuals with a horse or cart without prior interaction and motive
Two individuals in agreement to duel in a preconceived arrangement of shootout or fight to settle a dispute is acceptable.
When duels are performed, characters who lose the fight must face either permanent character death or permanent injury.
While serial killers may not always require direct interaction before attacking, they are encouraged to create tension through in-character actions like stalking, leaving notes, or other forms of foreshadowing to enhance storytelling.
Minor strike
Your character should always act with an awareness of danger and prioritize the safety of themselves and others. While self-defense is allowed, non-LEO characters (unless approved, e.g., bounty hunters, gang members, serial killers) must only engage in defensive actions by default and avoid reckless behavior.
Defensive actions are actions a character takes to protect the immediate safety of themselves or others. Some examples (non-exhaustive) are as follows:
Hiding, fleeing, or seeking cover
Protecting others without direct engagement (this may look like leading others indoors, or away from a situation)
Calling for help or alerting LEOs
Offensive actions, such as initiating fights, setting traps, ambushing others, etc., are only allowed if they are not a form of vigilantism (according to our server rule on Vigilantism) and they meet at least one of the following conditions:
The character is a LEO or an approved role (e.g., gang member, serial killer, bounty hunter).
The action is part of a developed conflict or criminal storyline with logical motivations and appropriate consequences.
Players engaging in offensive actions must be able to justify them in RP. This may include character motivations, prior RP buildup, or scene evidence beyond just "it's what my character would do."
While being robbed or attacked by outlaws, it is important to remember how a civilian during this time period would act. While fighting back against outlaws or intervening in robberies/crimes may be tempting, it is likely too big of a risk in these scenarios. Characters should act according to the risks of the time period.
Offensive behaviors must not interfere with or impede LEO roleplay.
Admins may ask for RP buildup, motivations, or scene evidence to verify that an offensive action was justified.
Jumping off cliffs, charging into danger, provoking wildlife, etc. should be avoided unless your character is fully prepared to face the consequences. Portray such actions realistically, acknowledging the dangers and potential outcomes such as the likelihood of severe injury or death is significant.
If reckless behavior leads to injury, it is expected that the player roleplays as such with doctors.
Major strike
Vigilantism is strictly prohibited. Citizens and those without legal authority may not take the law into their own hands by pursuing, punishing, or executing perceived criminals.
If your character witnesses a crime, they should react in a realistic manner, e.g., reporting it to law enforcement, taking cover, or fleeing to protect themselves.
Hunting down outlaws, forming posses without proper authorization, or retaliating against criminals instead of seeking legal recourse is not permitted.
LEOs and approved bounty hunters are allowed to pursue criminals for justice.
When faced with violence, your character should act as a person in that time period likely would - complying with demands, fleeing, or seeking help rather than attempting heroics.
Your character should recognize the dangers of such actions and prioritize their own survival over personal justice.
Criminal Rules
We expect that all players who choose to do crime follow our criminal rules as follows.
Major strike
If 3 or more individuals are engaging in robbery/criminal acts, they need to be approved as an organized gang. Gangs can apply for approval through our gang application.
Players who experience technical issues during a robbery and/or Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) interaction must make an effort to open a ticket reporting the technical issue to avoid it appearing as if they are attempting to escape the situation. Failure to do so will be considered Fail RP, resulting in a strike.
Upon logging into the game, players are granted a 2-minute grace period during which they are exempt from PVP (non-exhaustive examples: robbery and/or LEO interaction). This exemption does not apply if the player is actively recreating a scene from which they had to abruptly exit due to a technical issue, such as a crash or game-breaking bug.
After committing a criminal act, a character must stay "awake" (online) for a minimum of 30 IRL minutes. The player may not log off or swap characters.
If a technical issue has occurred the character is expected to wake back up (log back on).
If you are unable to stay online (e.g., you have an IRL emergency or commitment), you must open a ticket to report and explain the situation.
Players are not permitted to commit a criminal act in the 30 IRL minutes before a storm (server restart).
Major strike
Participants involved in criminal mindsets and/or a gang related group must abide by the following to establish healthy roleplay scenarios:
If 3 or more individuals are engaging in robbery/criminal acts, they need to be approved as an organized gang
Individuals who want an affiliated gang group need to apply through our gang application. Admins will review and process the application to officiate gang members and titles. This helps ensure gang members are held accountable with their game titles, positions and the number of members.
No more than 12 members can be in a registered gang, both in and out of the server.
A maximum of 6 armed individuals in a group may participate during a criminal activity or PVP interaction.
In the event that a rival gang approaches your hideout with intentions of conflict, you have the right to safeguard your hideout and/or headquarters. All members currently situated on the premises (up to the maximum of 12 individuals) are permitted to participate in the defensive action.
Minor strike
While changing clothing and adopting disguises are allowed, characters are not allowed to change their hairstyle or facial hair for 24 IRL hours after committing a criminal act. This prevents unrealistic, instant disguises and encourages more immersive roleplay.
Minor strike
At most, only one Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) may be held as hostage during a bank/store robbery. Any LEOs and victims held as hostages must be released at the end of the crime.
Major strike
Store robbery rules:
The maximum number of criminals that may be involved in a robbery is 6.
Only 2 robbery members can be outside of the store during the robbery.
All 6 robbers must be within the town they are robbing.
Each player may only rob a store once every IRL hour. This includes the person initiating the robbery and the individuals involved. Robbing a store within the window as a different character is prohibited and will result in temporary ban.
LEOs may ask questions in regard to the well-being of the hostages, number of criminals involved and where they are located at the crime scenes. Those involved with criminal acts must respond truthfully.
Any attempted robbery with a lockpick is considered a robbery attempt regardless of final outcome.
Highway (player) robbery rules:
Accessibility Items Restriction: Robbing accessibility items is prohibited. Players caught doing so will receive a warning from the Admin team.
Bank/Storage Robbery: Robbers cannot force someone to take items from their city storage, wagon storage, or money from the bank.
Cooldown: To prevent harassment and ensure a balanced player experience, players cannot rob the same character within a 72-IRL-hour period.
Cuff/Hogtie: If players choose to restrain their victims during a robbery, they must release them before leaving.
Menu Robbery: Robbing players while they are in menus and/or otherwise occupied is not allowed.
No Killing: Post-robbery, players are prohibited from killing their victims.
Item Limits: Robbers are restricted to taking entire stacks of 3 different item types of the robbers' choice (besides weapons and tools). Example: 1) 50 cotton, 2) 10 hot mochas, 3) 2 naturalist potions.
Unique Server Items: Individuals who choose to steal a unique server item must be stolen with careful consideration and understanding of the roleplay behind it.
Unlimited Money Theft: Individuals have the freedom to steal as much in-game currency as they can from their victims.
Weapon/Tool Limits: Robbers are restricted to taking a maximum of 1 tool OR weapon (e.g. rifle, shotgun, cleaver, lasso, binoculars, pickaxe, canteen, lumber axe).
Major strike
Before playing as a serial killer, you will be required to submit a request to Admins for approval.
A list of requirements for submission should include at a minimum:
A brief backstory of your character
Motivation for your character, which includes means of homicide, frequency of your murder, and potential victims
How you plan to interact with the law, including clues you may leave
While serial killers may not always require direct interaction before attacking, they are encouraged to create tension through in-character actions like stalking, leaving notes, or other forms of foreshadowing to enhance storytelling.
Business/Job Rules
Looking to open your own business? Make sure you're familiar with the business rules below.
Deeds are required in the acquisition of an abandoned business. This may be obtained through a Paralegal, Lawyer, or an Attorney General.
If these parties are unresponsive from 2 weeks of the time of request, a Secretary may intervene to assist in this process.
Once a business is made vacant, existing employees or citizens have 30 days to initiate the deed takeover process.
If this process has not been started within the 30-day window, the business will cease to exist and ownership can no longer be transferred (the business can no longer be owned).
A deed for taking over an abandoned business will include:
Desired name change (if applicable)
Desired location change - $1,500 (contingent on Government approval)
Acknowledgement that the menu and items sold will remain the same (menu items can be revisited after 3 months of consecutive ownership; new items may be requested at $1,500 per item)
If the business is not being taken over by an existing employee, then there is a Government tax fee of $800, which must be paid at the time of signing the deed.
Process for taking over an abandoned business:
The player must have spent a minimum of 30 days in county.
A takeover may be initiated by working with a lawyer, covering legal fees, and acquiring the business deed.
The new owner has the option to rename the business.
The business can be relocated with Government approval and a $1,500 fee.
The existing menu must be maintained.
If the business is not being taken over by an existing employee, in addition to legal fees, the citizen must pay a fee of $800 to the Government as part of the acquisition. This must be paid within 24 hours of signing the deed.
Businesses that sell consumables have a menu of items.
When taking over an established location:
Will use the last owner's menu for the first 3 months.
After a successful first 3 months, the owner can request a maximum of 5 new consumable items to replace the last owner's menu.
Each new item costs $1,500.
When opening a new location:
There is a "base" menu that will be used for 3 months.
After a successful first 3 months, the owner can request a maximum of 5 new consumable items.
Each new item costs $1,500.
After 3 months of successfully running the business with its existing 5-item menu, the owner can add an additional 5 items, for a maximum of 10 items total ever.
Every 6 months, the owner can request changes for one menu item.
A player must have been playing on the server for 7 days.
Characters leaving a job (quitting, being fired, or transitioning) should try to roleplay the event or provide written documentation for involved characters. This ensures continuity and respects ongoing storylines.
If a character does not regularly participate in their new job within the first 30 days, the Government will bar the character from a new job for 30 days.
A business is deemed inactive if it shows no activity for 2 weeks.
A business is considered active only if all of the following criteria are met:
Sharing that your business is open at least once every two weeks in the 📌∙pinboards-marketplace using our Rainbow Business Facilitator bot. Instructions for using the Rainbow Business Facilitator (RBF) bot can be found in 🌈📃∙rainbow-pages.
Logging into the server once every 2 weeks.
If applicable, crafting business-related items or consumables once every 2 weeks.
Please note that these steps can be completed by either the business owner, or an employee.
When a business is deemed dormant, the following actions will be taken by the Government:
All employees' job and career Discord roles will be removed.
The owner will be barred from opening or owning another business for 2 months.
Any future business proposals from the business owner will be subject to increased scrutiny due to their history of inactivity.
To address planned absences or potential closures, the character is encouraged to post an informal notice on the pinboards if they anticipate being absent for 1 week or more, though this is optional.
For absences extending 2 weeks or longer, the character is required to open a ticket to formally indicate the pause in their business activities. After 6 weeks of inactivity, the government will contact the individual announcing closure.
Any employees of a business owner who has been absent may take action by submitting a proposal to assume control of the dormant business. Additionally, they can collaborate with in county lawyers to facilitate the transfer of ownership from the previous owner.
In the event that a Paralegal, Lawyer, Attorney General, or Judge is unable to fulfill certain duties requiring legal assistance within 2 weeks of its initiation, a Secretary may be requested to assist by opening an In Character Documentation ticket.
Procedures requiring legal assistance that can be completed by a Secretary include, and are limited to:
Background Checks
Death Certificates
Deeds (Business Takeover)
Last Will and Testament
Name Changes
Prenup Agreements
Applicable fees and rules will apply to each procedure.
The Secretary will collect the necessary information and fees on behalf of the government.
When working with a Secretary, ensure that all fees are paid within 24 hours.
The Secretary will then pass the deed onto the Judge for final review and approval.
To start a new business, a player must submit a written business proposal to the government.
A player must have been playing on the server for 30 days prior to inquiring about a business proposal.
If an individual is a Tebex subscriber and/or is an employee of a related business, they can have their required amount of time in the Homelands decreased allowing them to submit business proposals and/or request a business loan.
Employee of a related business: 20 days
Eleanor supporters: 15 days
Chung & Kahlo supporters: 10 days
Consumable Businesses:
Examples: Saloon, Bakery, Smoke Shop.
The character must pay $2,500 for a business license, to be paid up-front.
(A loan application is available.)
Non-Consumable/Service Businesses:
Examples: Gunsmith, Horse Trainer
The character must pay $1,500 for a business license, to be paid up-front.
(A loan application is available.)
If a citizen does not provide the funds for their business license, the proposal will be voided and the citizen will be required to pay a $1,000 fine in order to submit future business proposals.