How to Connect

Howdy Y’all.

Rainbow Railroad Roleplay is an LGBTQIA2S+ RedM roleplay server that seeks to a provide a more inclusive, fun, and engaging roleplay experience.

We are the only RedM server that is queer-owned and -operated with a majority-queer staff.

If you can afford it, we ask that you please consider pledging to our Patreon. 😊

Getting Started:

There are a few essentials you will need to add to your saddlebags before you can begin:

  1. Purchase and install a copy of “Red Dead Online” which allows you to join the online open frontier or you can purchase a copy of “Red Dead Redemption 2” which gives you access to the open frontier and a separate playable story mode. You can choose to purchase a copy through:
    • Steam
    • Rockstar Games Social Club
    • The gray market e.g.

  2. Download and install “RedM” (the multiplayer modification framework for Red Dead Redemption 2 that allows individuals to connect to private and customizable servers like Rainbow Railroad Roleplay) by clicking here.

    Tip: Remember to always load from “RedM” either via the shortcut on your desktop or in your Start menu. Additionally, you may need to run Red Dead Online at least once for a short amount of time before starting RedM.

  3. Join our Discord!

  4. On our Discord, go to the #server-rules channel, review the Server Rules there (or on our website), and react to the rules on Discord.

  5. On our Discord, go to the #apply-here channel and follow the link to our short, easy Character Application form. Fill out the form and submit it.

  6. Now just sit back and relax! An Admin will manually review your character application as soon as they can, and, if you’re approved, they will grant you the “Allowlisted” role on Discord. This Discord role grants you access to the server.

  7. If your character gets approved, find our server on RedM by searching “Rainbow Railroad”, and click “Connect”.

Reckon that should be it. Should you find yourself tied up with questions, feel free to open a ticket and a train conductor will provide assistance in a timely manner.

Happy trails, open ranges, and rainbow skies for the rest of your days!