“Queer-ye, queer-ye! Let us unveil the first laws of the Homelands!”


Illegal Items 

Possession of the following unlawful items, irrespective of quantity, will result in the surrendering of said items to the law and will result in fines or jail time

  • Cocaine (Lawful for Doctors for medicinal purposes only)
  • Cannabis/Ganja (Lawful for Doctors for medicinal purposes only)
  • Acid 
  • Nitrite (Lawful for Gunsmiths for the production of ammo only) 
  • Handcuffs (Lawful for LEOs only)
  • Dynamite
  • Molotovs
  • Opium (Lawful for Doctors for medicinal purposes only)
  • Lockpicks 
  • Explosive ammunition
  • Poison 


Town and City Fractions (non-criminalized)

Individuals who partake in these conducts will be fined a minimum of $35 to a maximum of $130.

  1. Conspiracy: the act of planning or strategizing a crime with or without accomplices. 
  2. Covering Face Prohibition: It is prohibited for anyone to cover their face while inside the town or city limits. 
  3. Disorderly Conduct: Disorderly conduct is the intentional disturbance of the peace of one or more persons. 
  4. Horse Boarding Guidelines: All horses within the town or city limits must be properly hitched or stabled. The sheriff is authorized to remove horses that are not properly secured. 
  5. Act of Malice: Malice is a legal term that refers to a person’s intention to cause harm to another. Malice can be expressed or implied. 
  6. Prohibition on Reckless Riding: No horse or carriage should move through the town or city limits at a speed higher than a trot. 
  7. Wagon Ownership Regulations: Wagons and carriages must not be driverless within the town or city limits. Furthermore, they must be parked correctly and not obstruct any movement.
  8. Failure to Stow Weaponry: Failure to stow guns, bows, and other weapons in town and city limits will result in an infraction. This implies that no large weapons should be visible to others while being carried, and small weapons such as pistols and knives should be placed in a gun belt or holster for safety.


Misdemeanors – Criminally charged

Individuals who partake in these conducts will be fined a minimum of $80 to a maximum of $180 and be placed into Jail up to 20 days. 1 minute = 1 day

  1. Theft: The act of attempting or intentionally taking money, property, and belongings from the victim’s Horse, Wagon, or Boat without being detected or fleeing the scene upon detection. 
  2. Bandit Interdiction: If individuals are caught outside of town or city limits wearing any form of facial obstruction, and are accompanied by a group of four (4) or more, they are subject to search and arrest. 
  3. Battery: Engaging in unlawful physical contact with another person, where the aggressor does not use a weapon or cause any serious bodily harm. 
  4. Disobeying a Lawful Order: Willfully failing or refusing to comply with any lawful order or direction given by an LEO, including ceasing and desisting from loud or boisterous behavior. LEOs have the authority to order citizens to leave an active crime area. Failing to comply with any infraction being enforced by LEOs. 
  5. Evading from the Law: The act of attempting or successfully escaping or avoiding the law, often through cleverness or trickery. 
  6. Failure/Refusal to Identify: Refusing to disclose one’s identity to a law enforcement official when placed under arrest.
  7. Road/Town blockage: The act of obstructing a public roadway, street, or sidewalk without legal authority, with the intent to prevent, obstruct, or hinder movement.
  8. Obstruction of Justice: Interfering with an ongoing investigation or crime scene.
  9. Possession of Illegal Items: Being in possession of illegal items, irrespective of their weight or quantity. 
  10. Simple Assault: Physically attacking another person in a non-consensual fistfight, without the use of any weapons. 
  11. Trespassing: Remaining on private property after the legal owner or caretaker has requested the person(s) to leave.
  12. Misdemeanor Malicious Destruction of Property: Also known as vandalism or criminal mischief, refers to the intentional damaging, defacing, or destroying of someone else’s property without lawful justification. This can include but is not limited to actions such as graffiti, breaking windows, or any other deliberate act that causes harm to another person’s property.

  13. Brandishing: Using weapons as a means of intimidation is deemed unlawful. This includes unholstering, carrying or brandishing weapons to provoke or attempt to intimidate individual(s).


2nd Degree Felonies

Individuals who partake in these conducts will be fined a minimum of $120 to a maximum of $220 and be placed into Jail for 30 days

  1. Assault – The act of causing harm to an individual using physical weapons such as guns, knives, bows, or any other physical weapon or means of violence.
  2. Aiding and Abetting – Providing support, assistance, or help to another individual in committing a crime. Encouraging or inducing another person to engage in criminal activity.
  3. Attempted Murder – An unsuccessful attempt to commit first-degree murder, with the intention of killing another individual.
  4. Attempted Kidnapping – The act of plotting or attempting to abduct or confine an individual without their consent using either force, fraud, or persuasion.
  5. Arson – The act of intentionally destroying or attempting to destroy property, structures, or vegetation by means of fire with the motive of depriving the owner of possession.
  6. Bribery – Giving or offering public servants or officials benefits, favors, money, or services with the intent of personal gain or benefit.
  7. Extortion – The act of forcing or threatening an individual to provide or hand over properties or services. Using power, authority, or privileged information to compel someone to take action.
  8. Forgery – Creating a false document, signature, or any other imitation of an object of value for the purpose of deceiving another person.
  9. Fraud – The act of deceiving someone materially or personally with the intent of personal or financial gain.
  10. Growing or Manufacturing Illegal Item(s) -The act of cultivating or manufacturing illegal items or substances.
  11. Horse/Wagon Theft – The act of taking or stealing a horse or wagon without the owner’s consent.
  12. Highway Robbery – Stealing from someone by means of threat or force outside of city or town limits.
  13. Robbery – Stealing from someone with the use of force or threat inside or outside city or town limits.
  14. Unlawful Sales of Illegal Items: it is unlawful for a person to sell, process, deliver, or possess with intent to sell, an illegal substance. This includes ganja, Medical Ganja, cocaine, nitrite, handcuffs, dynamite, molotovs, opium, lock-picks, explosive ammunition, or poisonous substances.
    * Cocaine, Opium, Ganja are lawful for Doctor’s for medical related usage only* , *Nitrite is lawful for Gunsmiths only*

  15. Growth and Manufacture of illegal items– The act of growing or manufacturing illegal items or substances will result in the seizure of said items, and a second degree felony charge. * Cocaine, Opium, and Ganja are lawful for Doctor’s for medical related usage only*, *Nitrite is lawful for Gunsmiths only*

  16. Felony Malicious Destruction of Property: Also known as vandalism or criminal mischief, refers to the intentional damaging, defacing, or destroying of someone else’s property without lawful justification. Felony malicious destruction of property is more severe in nature and can include but is not limited to actions such as deliberately harming or killing an individual’s horse, destroying carts, wagons, or buildings belonging to the Government or citizens of the Homelands.


1st Degree Felonies, Criminally Charged

Individuals who partake in these conducts will be fined a minimum of $175 to a maximum of $300 and be placed into Jail for 40 days

  1. Act of Anarchy: The use or threat of violence and intimidation to achieve political or social objectives.
  2. Murder: Killing or attempting to kill a human being with malice aforethought.
  3. Assault on Court: Any act of violence committed during a trial or in an open court using a weapon or firearm.
  4. Bank Robbery: Trying to steal or successfully stealing money from a bank.
  5. Committing Corruption: Dishonest, fraudulent, or illegal behavior that benefits oneself using the Homelands office at others’ expense.
  6. Extreme Violence: Attempting to murder five or more people, with a fine of $300 for the offense.
  7. Escape from Custody or Imprisonment: Running away from a lawful sentence while being held in jail or prison.
  8. Committing Torture: Physically abusing someone to the point of emotional distress or disfigurement, often accompanied by assault.
  9. Harboring a Fugitive: Providing shelter or helping a fugitive to escape imprisonment knowingly.
  10. Impersonation of a Government Official: Pretending to be or acting as a government official, such as a Sheriff, Officer, Deputy, Marshal, Doctor, Judge, or District Attorney.
  11. Kidnapping: Taking someone away without their consent through force, fraud, or persuasion.
  12. Manslaughter: Causing someone’s death unintentionally without malice or intent, with the exception of self-defense.
  13. Unauthorized Practice of Law: Pretending or offering to practice law without possessing a valid law license issued by the government. 
  14. Unauthorized Practice of Medicine: Pretending or offering to practice medicine without possessing a valid license issued by the government.
  15. Unpaid Government Fines or Bills: Citizens must pay their fines within 30 days of receiving them. Failure to do so will result in a bounty, arrest, and imprisonment for one day for every $10 owed in Sisika Penitentiary. Citizens will be responsible for paying their fines. 
  16. Medical Professional Unlawful Sales: Doctors shall not engage in the unlawful sale or distribution of illegal items, including selling to individuals without a valid prescription or exceeding the prescribed weekly limit.


Judicial Decision, Court Hearing, Communal Decision Under the Supervision of the Law and Court

Court hearing will be held to all who partake in these matters. Decision of imprisonment and/or permanent death will be determined by hearing and/or by decision of community

  1. Homicide: Any illegal action that causes the permanent death of a member of the Homelands.
  2. Sedition: The offense of disloyally betraying one’s nation, usually by trying to assassinate the monarch or topple the government. The act of exchanging/selling arms or classified government intelligence to a foreign party without authorization.
  3. Severe Chaos: The perpetration of at least seven (7) serious crimes of violence across three (3) distinct apprehension events, all occurring within 72 hours.


Sentencing and Issuing of Fines

When issuing jail time and/ or fines, jail time will be contributed to the greatest charged offense and fines will be stacked. Fines are to be paid within 30 days from the infraction date. 

For example, an individual that commits both a misdemeanor and 1st degree felony will serve 25-30 days in jail, and pay $280 ($80 + 200). 

Community Service Exchange Program 

Are you tired of traditional fines and jail time for lesser offenses? Do you believe in the power of community engagement and rehabilitation? We have a solution for you- introducing the innovative “Community Service Exchange Program”.

At its core, the Community Service Exchange Program aims to transform the way we handle minor offenses (Non-criminal and Misdemeanors) by offering citizens a chance to give back to their community in a meaningful way. Instead of facing fines or jail time, individuals can opt to participate in community service activities including farming and mining with LEO supervision. 

  • Farming and harvesting corn, wheat, potatoes or other items that could benefit local saloons. 30 minutes of farming for non-criminal infractions, and 45 minutes of farming for misdemeanors
  • Mining iron ore or panning gold nuggets for local gunsmiths and blacksmiths. 30 minutes of mining or panning for non-criminal infractions, and 45 minutes for misdemeanors. 

We partner with local farms, saloons, blacksmiths, gunsmiths and other business owners, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship. By participating in these activities, citizens will not only contribute to the community, but also foster stronger bonds with local businesses and organizations. We aim to create a more compassionate and engaged community, where individuals can learn from their mistakes, contribute positively, and become productive members of society. 

Together, let’s reshape the way we approach minor offenses, using community service as a means of rehabilitation and growth.