Key & Action(s)


W, A, S, D : Character movement forward (w), backward (s), left (a) and right (d).
ESC/P : Brings up the game menu.
E : To get on/off a horse or wagon.
F : Melee attack.
R : To block melee attacks. 
L: Point (with your right hand).
G : Open and close menu at NPC stores.
H : Tap H (short whistle) — horse comes to you once. Hold H (long whistle) — horse follows you indefinitely.
J : Changes the range of your voice. 
Z : Ragdoll action (a bad death drop).
X : Raises your hands (useful in a hostage situation or when in a large group).
C : Look behind you.
U : Opens scenarios (different animations). 
V : Changes camera view (from first person to cinematic mode).
B : Opens up your pockets.
M : Opens the map.
ENTER : Hold down to skip stables cutscene. 
TAB : Brings up the weapon wheel to select weapon.
TAB R : Select TAB and then the R key for the special item menu (lantern, binoculars).
CAPS LOCK : Brings up the emote menu.
Shift + #1-6 : Shortcut for quick emotes.
Left SHIFT : Sprint on foot or gallop on horse.
Left ALT : Context based menu for sitting or laying down.
BACKSPACE : Back out of a menu.
Left CTRL : On your knees/ Crouching. Slows down your horse as well.
Right-click mouse button : Hold down to focus on horse, wagon, ticketholders, locals.
Ctrl + Z : To lay on the ground. WASD to crawl around. 
] : Shows ticket numbers (This feature is only for reporting rule-breaks and not for normal game play). 

Special Interactions

(Press “T” and then write these commands for special interactions)
T: Opens the command search bar for more roleplay.
/hat: Helps remove an article of clothing (i. e. /hat, /coat, /shirt as examples).
/me “insert message”: This will create a SHORT-term tag on your character (/me laughs, /me blushes).
/tag “insert message”: This will create a LONG-term tag on your character (/tag bandaged shoulder).
/walks:  This will open the menu to change your walk and posture
/clothes:  This will help remove all clothing.
/c:  Cancel your character’s current task (unstuck).
/rc:  Reloads your character’s body, clothes, hair, makeup, etc.
/sidesaddle: Sit with both legs on one side of the horse.
/scene: Place text, objects, images.
/pvp: Toggle this off if you want your friendly face on (prevents you from accidentally hand-meleeing). 
/ko: Knocks your player out and will impact health (intention is to RP your downing). 
/n: Your character will take notes. 
/myTraps: Shows where your traps are on the map for 30 seconds.
/hideui: Hide visible icons on the screen for a cleaner view. Great for pictures.