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Server Rules
How to Connect
About Us
World Background
Keybinds & Commands
Laws of the Homelands
RRRP Constitution and Bill of Rights
Newbie Guide
Homelands Workforce Commission
Meet the RRRP Team
House Catalog
Strike & Ban Process
Server Rules
How to Connect
About Us
World Background
Keybinds & Commands
Laws of the Homelands
RRRP Constitution and Bill of Rights
Newbie Guide
Homelands Workforce Commission
Meet the RRRP Team
House Catalog
Strike & Ban Process
W, A, S, D :
Character movement forward (w), backward (s), left (a) and right (d).
Brings up the game menu.
E :
To get on/off a horse or wagon.
F :
Melee attack.
R :
To block melee attacks.
Point (with your right hand).
G :
Open and close menu at NPC stores.
H :
Tap H (short whistle) — horse comes to you once. Hold H (long whistle) — horse follows you indefinitely.
J :
Changes the range of your voice.
Z :
Ragdoll action (a bad death drop).
X :
Raises your hands (useful in a hostage situation or when in a large group).
C :
Look behind you.
U :
Opens scenarios (different animations).
V :
Changes camera view (from first person to cinematic mode).
B :
Opens up your pockets.
M :
Opens the map.
Hold down to skip stables cutscene.
Brings up the weapon wheel to select weapon.
Select TAB and then the R key for the special item menu (lantern, binoculars).
Brings up the emote menu.
Shift + #1-6 :
Shortcut for quick emotes.
Left SHIFT :
Sprint on foot or gallop on horse.
Left ALT :
Context based menu for sitting or laying down.
Back out of a menu.
Left CTRL :
On your knees/ Crouching. Slows down your horse as well.
Right-click mouse button :
Hold down to focus on horse, wagon, ticketholders, locals.
Ctrl + Z :
To lay on the ground. WASD to crawl around.
] :
Shows ticket numbers (This feature is only for reporting rule-breaks and not for normal game play).
Special Interactions
(Press “T” and then write these commands for special interactions)
Opens the command search bar for more roleplay.
Helps remove an article of clothing (i. e. /hat, /coat, /shirt as examples).
/me “insert message”:
This will create a SHORT-term tag on your character (/me laughs, /me blushes).
/tag “insert message”:
This will create a LONG-term tag on your character (/tag bandaged shoulder).
This will open the menu to change your walk and posture
This will help remove all clothing.
Cancel your character’s current task (unstuck).
Reloads your character’s body, clothes, hair, makeup, etc.
Sit with both legs on one side of the horse.
Place text, objects, images.
Toggle this off if you want your friendly face on (prevents you from accidentally hand-meleeing).
Knocks your player out and will impact health (intention is to RP your downing).
Your character will take notes.
Shows where your traps are on the map for 30 seconds.
Hide visible icons on the screen for a cleaner view. Great for pictures.